3 Easy Tips to Help Cut Your Winter Heating Bills

As we go into the winter months, we all want our homes to feel warm and cozy - but there are some little nooks and crannies in your home that working against you and increasing your heating bills.  Here are 4 tips to help make your home airtight and efficient!

Caulk Trim and Baseboards - as you walk through your home, you will feel some obvious drafts in your home that you will need to tend to - but if you inspect things a little closer, you will find some small gaps that are inviting the cold air into your home.  A simple trick that will expose these drafts is by simply running your damp finger along the edges of your interior windows and trim - the moistened skin will be very sensitive to the draft and indicate the areas that you need to caulk.

Inspect Doors The US Department of Energy claims that as much as 35% of the air leakage in a home comes from small openings in doors, windows and fireplaces.  Door sweeps can make a huge difference by closing the gap that is between the bottom of your door and the flooring.  Not only is this good for the entry doors but also a good idea for the basement and attic.  Here is simple trick to check the seal around the rest of the door.  Close a dollar bill in your door and try pulling it out.  If the dollar slides out easily, you are losing  your insulation and money.   You can purchase stick on rubber weather stripping to go around the edges  to seal the door and keep the warmth in and the cold out.

Prepare your Windows On of the easiest ways to start saving is to simply make sure all of your doors are locked - by turning the latch, you are forcing the two panels together and removing the 2mm gap that you may not see.  If you have older windows, you can apply clear weatherstripping tape along the edges or cover it with window film.

If you have a window air conditioning unit, it is most beneficial to remove it - however, if that is not an option, purchase a seal the area and prevent drafts.

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752 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Suite A
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

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2011 REALTOR Salesperson of the Year
Missouri Association of Realtors



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