Tips For Downsizing Your Home

Whether you're buying a home at the Lake of the Ozarks or selling your current home, one fact remains - you're going to be moving. What better time than the present to start working on getting things ready for the big move! This is the perfect time to start going through your belongs and downsizing your load. Not only will it make moving easier, but it will also open up more space for bringing in new stuff to give your new home the fresh feel of a new beginning! This week, eXp Realty wants to share with you some tips to alleviate stress and anxiety when downsizing your home.

First things first, plan ahead.
Don't wait until the last minute to make decisions. Start planning ahead to avoid the troubles of hastily making decisions on your downsize. The last thing you want to do is to be strapped for time and end up causing more work and stress than necessary. Sit down with the family and talk about what you can let go of without hurting someone's feelings or causing an argument. This should be an exciting and refreshing experience, not overwhelming and frustrating.

Consider the space you'll be moving into. 
Will you have room for an extra sofa in the living area? Do you need to consider downsizing to a smaller dining room set? How about storage space? This is the perfect opportunity to go through closets and storage and get rid of the things you don't need or haven't used in a while. Really take the time to consider the amount of space you'll have once all of your belongings are in your new home.

Find purpose for all of your space.
It's too easy to just fall back into the cluttered chaos of your personal items because you don't want to let things go. However, if you find purpose for every space in your new home, it'll be easier to visualize the space without all that extra stuff. For instance, if you plan to set up an in home office in your extra large living area and you utilize shelving for office supplies, you're eliminating empty space for unnecessary junk and providing usable function to your space.

Choose quality over quantity.
When downsizing it's important to use this rule. Rather than trying to squeeze too much into a room, choose a piece or two of furniture that makes a great statement. If you're planning to get rid of your current furniture set to help downsize, get furniture that has multipurpose usage. If you're looking into buying a new coffee table, consider getting one that has a lift top with storage for throw blankets or other items you may not want sitting out. Get a high quality recliner couch so you don't need a sofa and a recliner chair - two in one saves more space.

Moving to a new home whether you're buying or selling property at the Lake of the Ozarks doesn't have to be a hassle. With these helpful downsizing tips, you can transition into your new home smoothly and with confidence that your new home will look fabulous! For more tips on selling or buying a home at the Lake of the Ozarks, make sure to subscribe to our weekly blog. You can also contact eXp Realty at 866-224-1761 for all of your real estate needs. Our knowledgeable and experienced real estate team at the Lake of the Ozarks is happy to help you with all of your real estate endeavors!

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Missouri Association of Realtors

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