The Elf on a Shelf - a Great Family Tradition!!!

Lately, I have been seeing a wide variety of photos with a strange little elf playing tricks and games with my friends children - I can't help but wonder, what's all the fuss??

Well, let me tell you - there is a great reason for fuss over this skinny little bendable elf!!  This tradition is perfect for revitalizing the magic of Christmas!!  Here is the summary of the Elf on the Shelf Tradition.

We all know that Santa has a very BIG job of keeping track of all the little boys and girls - who has been naughty and who has been nice and the best way to do this is to enlist a troop of elves!  These elves become the eyes and ears for Santa for each home that adopts them.   Upon receiving their name, they will also receive their magical powers - and these magical powers allow them to notice every good deed and to return each evening to relay these messages to Santa. 

Now here is where the fun begins... Once your Elf reports to Santa (and plays a few reindeer games with Rudolph) he returns the next morning to his home before his family awakes and...let the FUN begin!  These elves love playing little tricks and games with their families.  You might find yours hiding in the Christmas tree, hanging from a chandelier or any other great hiding spot - some have even been caught sipping on bottles of syrup or zip lining across the kitchen!  These elves are loaded with energy and know how to create Christmas Magic!!! 

The Elves remain in the home until Christmas Eve when your little Elf on the Shelf  returns back to the North Pole until his duties resume again the next year.  We love this tradition and would love to hear your traditions too!!   Please visit our Facebook Page and share your Elf on the Shelf photos or tell us your Holiday tradition!!

The entire Gattermeir Davidson Real Estate Team wishes you a Happy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year!!  We look forward to a great 2013!!

Gattermeir Davidson Real Estate, LLC

752 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Suite A
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Office | 573.365.1555
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photo credit: Else10 via photopin cc
 photo credit: Chris1051 via photopin cc


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