Universal Design Tips for Any Home

One of the basic principles of design, also called ageless design, is that it makes homes more practical and safer for everyone — not just the elderly or people with limited mobility. These days, universal design features are an everyday fact of life for many households, with architects and other professional designers adding universal design ideas as a matter of course.You don’t have to be a pro designer to incorporate this smart thinking into your own home. If you’re remodeling or simply adding a few upgrades, be sure to keep universal design features in mind. There are lots of that’ll give you some great starting points. Here are a few of our favorite Universal design tips: Switch out doorknobs for lever-style handles. Doorknobs require lots of dexterity and torque to open; with levers you simply press and go. Makes sense for folks with arthritis, of course, but think about an emergency situation when everyone, including small kids, needs to exit fast: A l...