Pet-Proofing Your Home - Beware of the Four C's!

If you're any sort of an animal lover, you'll agree that having pets enriches your life in more ways than you could possibly explain. After all, there's nothing quite like having a furry friend to snuggle, wrestle, run, and play with! As an animal lover, you'll also agree that making sure your pets have a safe, enriching environment to grow and play is absolutely critical - and your top real estate agency at the Lake is here to help you do just that! If you're the proud owner of a furry, four-legged friend, make sure you follow these simple but important steps for pet proofing your home. Chemicals Your inquisitive friends won't know that certain chemicals could prove extremely hazardous if ingested. Make sure you secure cleaning supplies and other chemicals well out of reach or install child-locks on the lower level cabinets to keep prying paws out. Cords Most animals - especially cats - can't resist the enticing lure of an exposed or dangling...