Packing Tips For Moving Into Your New Home

Packing is inevitably one of the most time-consuming and potentially stressful parts of moving, but it doesn't have to be. By utilizing a few tips now, you can save yourself time and energy on packing, as well as money too! At eXp Realty , not only do we assist you in the purchase of your homes at the Lake of the Ozarks , but we also want to give you tips on how to move your belongings from one home to the next. Here are a few tips to remember as you're packing up your home. Get Started Early Even if you're a fast packer, you can never start too early. Give yourself a couple of weeks to really sort through the items, and organize while you pack. Start with items that you don't use often like china or books. Pack Your Items Strategically Pack all of the immediately needed items in one box, and label them with a star. Or better yet, pack them in suitcases or clothes hampers so you can easily access them. You would want to include clothes, toiletries, a few rolls ...