Where Will You Be Trick-or-Treating at This Year?

Attention all goblins and ghouls, witches and wizards, princesses and superheros! One of our favorite holidays is almost among us... which means it's almost TRICK OR TREAT time! Do you know what you and the kiddos are doing this Halloween? The Lake of the Ozarks has several spooky activities that are great for the entire family taking place all over. If you're looking for safe public places to take the kids trick or treating this year, check out the list of events below! Hy-Vee Hollow Trick-or-Treat Oct 26, 2017 from 4-7PM Hy-Vee Parking Lot 929 State Hwy D Osage Beach Missouri 65065 Visit the Hy-Vee Parking lot for the annual Hy-Vee Hollow Trick-or-treat event! New this year: this is a FOOD ALLERGY FRIENDLY EVENT! Each booth will have candy and non-food treats! Hy-Vee will be supporting the Teal Pumpkin Project in donating a separate bucket of non-food treats to each booth for those kids who have food allergies. They will provide children with food allergies a...