Using Social Media to Sell Your Home - 6 Tips

Let's face it: social media has become a huge part of our everyday lives. Most people check their Facebook or Twitter feeds several times per day, constantly absorbing more information about the world and their community. The good news for you is that you can use this increased reliance on social media to sell your home at the Lake of the Ozarks ! As your trusted Lake Realtors, the team at Gattermeir Davidson is here to provide you with social media strategies for selling your home. Tip #1: Use Your Personal Accounts The first (and probably biggest) resource you should turn to is your own personal social media network. Post on your personal Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media accounts that you are selling your home, and encourage your friends and followers to pass the word along. Before you know it, your mom's uncle's friend's brother might show up asking for a tour of your home! A word of advice: while it's important to take advantag...