Home Ownership Expenses You May Not Have Considered

While the investment of home ownership far outweighs the cost of rent, there are a few expenses that you many not have included in your budget. From landscaping to furniture, a new home can incur expenses that you may not have realized to start with. At eXp Realty, we aim to prepare you for home ownership at the start, helping to make this new and exciting transition and smoothly as possible. Here are a few other things that you should figure into your budget when buying a home at the Lake of the Ozarks . Homeowner's Insurance In Missouri, the average homeowner's insurance premium is $1,191. An insurance premium is paid either annually or monthly, and it will depend on your insurance provider. If you are getting a mortgage for your home, many lenders will require that you have homeowner's insurance. It's worth it to do your research and call around for the best price and service. Utility Bills These may not come to mind immediately, especially if you've be...