Happy National Golf Month!
Have you heard? August is National Golf Month! With approximately fifteen different golf courses, golf is one of the biggest attractions the Lake Area has to offer. In honor of this monthly observation, the team at Gattermeir Davidson Real Estate is here to help you celebrate with this fun golfing trivia and the inside track on some of the best golf courses at the Lake of the Ozarks. Fun Facts about Golf At 515 yards, Mike Austin holds the record for the longest pro golf drive. Jason Zuback holds the record for the fastest golf drive: 204 mph! On average, a man weighing 175 lbs burns approximately 460 calories during an hour of playing golf. Women make up about 23% of professional golfers. A regulation golf ball has 336 dimples. The word "caddy" comes from the French word "cadet" (pronounced "cad-DAY"), which means cadet. Golf balls typically travel greater distances in hot weather. Golf Courses at the Lake of the Ozarks There are ab...