Funny Last-Minute Halloween Costumes!

"Mommy! Daddy! Let's go trick-or-treating this year!!" The eager young faces beam up at you, and you can't possibly resist. You smile, help them plan a costume, and get ready to enjoy a night of spooky family fun. You're just about to walk out the door, but then a young hand pulls you back. "Wait, wh ere's your costume? You can't go without a costume!" Does this sound familiar - or like a very real possibility? Don't get caught without a costume this Halloween! Gattermeir Davidson Real Estate is here to help you out with some of our favorite easy, funny, last-minute Halloween costume ideas. Tacky Tourist This is the perfect quick costume (especially for the Lake of the Ozarks )! Grab some khakis or swim trunks and the brightest shirt you have, and embellish away. Fanny packs, socks and sandals, binoculars, giant cameras, and flower leis barely scratch the surface of everything you can use to complete this look. Identity Thie...