Easy Ways to Lower your Heating Bill

As we go into the winter months, we all want our homes to feel warm and cozy - but there may be some areas of your home that are working against you and increasing your heating bills. Here are 3 tips to help make your home airtight and efficient! Caulk Trim and Baseboards - as you walk through your home, you will feel some obvious drafts in your home that you will need to tend to - but if you inspect things a little closer, you will find some small gaps that are inviting the cold air into your home. Inspect Doors The US Department of Energy claims that as much as 35% of the air leakage in a home comes from small openings in doors, windows and fireplaces. Door sweeps can make a huge difference by closing the gap that is between the bottom of your door and the flooring. Not only is this good for the entry doors but also a good idea for the basement and attic. You can purchase stick on rubber weather stripping to go around the edges to seal...