Real Estate - A Home AND An Investment

Finding the perfect home is about more than putting a roof over your head. It's about building equity, increasing your assets, and making an investment in you future. At Gattermeir Davidson , we talk a lot about how to find the perfect home at the Lake and local real estate trends, but this week we wanted to look closer into the investment side of real estate at the Lake of the Ozarks . Owning Your Own Home Enables You To Build Equity The terms "building equity in your home" get tossed around quite frequently, but do you know what they really mean? Essentially, "equity" refers to the amount of the home that you actually own - the portion of the loan that you have already paid off. Having equity is an asset, and it comes with important benefits. For example, if/when you sell your home at a later date, you will be able to turn your equity into cash. Also, if you are short on cash at a later date, you can actually borrow against the equity you already ha...