3 Ways To Sell Your Home FAST!

When you first made your decision to put your home on the market, did you have a timeframe in mind? For some people, their home hits the market and it's gone, but for others it may linger for a while until the perfect buyer finds it. What makes a home sell slow or fast? At Gattermeir Davidson , We're the right team to sell your home at Lake of the Ozarks Price It To Sell There's nothing that can kill a home's ability to sell faster than pricing it too high. Not only do you eliminate all of the potential buyers that won't pay that price for your home, but you then start it off with a handycap. When your home is priced too high for the first 30-50 days, you probably won't sell it, and then it will have been on the market for too long for no other reason than pricing. When potential buyers see that it's been listed online for over 180 days, though, they don't automatically think that it was because of the pricing, but because of some other majo...