14 Fun Facts about Thanksgiving!

How do you plan on celebrating Thanksgiving weekend this year? Are you traveling to reconnect with extended family? Celebrating with friends? Planning a traditional Thanksgiving dinner? Going the non-traditional route with a big Thanksgiving party? No matter what you're doing or who you're with over Thanksgiving weekend, it never hurts to have a few conversation starters tucked up your sleeve! Gattermeir Davidson Real Estate team is here to help you breeze by any awkward silences. Your local Lake of the Ozarks' REALTORS have compiled a list of the best Thanksgiving trivia we could find. Use this list to wow all your friends and family with your impressive Thanksgiving knowledge! The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted a full three days. The first Thanksgiving feast did not include mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, cranberries, or pumpkin pies. The Plymouth Pilgrims were the first people to celebrate Thanksgiving. The average turkey purchased for Thanksgiv...