
Showing posts from October 30, 2016

Don't Leave Those Leaves!

Fall has fallen, and it's time to make sure your home is prepared! Every year, the autumn season brings wonderfully brisk weather, amazing food, beautiful colors - and leaves. Of course, after they fall to the ground they become a little less beautiful, and a little more of a hassle. At Gattermeir Davidson, we know how important it is to keep your home in good repair, whether you're selling it, just buying it, or have been living at the Lake of the Ozarks for years. Here are a few reasons that the fall leaves are not good for your yard, and how to remove them! Why Should You Remove the Fall Leaves? One of the main reasons you want to clean up your leaves is because it can affect the quality of your grass, and the ability for it to come back up again in the spring. Wet leaves that sit on your grass can create an environment that's perfect for mold, mildew and disease. The sooner you get them cleaned off your yard, the better chance your grass will survive till the ne...