Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall: 7 Easy Home Decorating Tips

Whose house is the fairest of them all? Whether you're the proud owner of a brand new home or you've been living in the same home for fifteen years, chances are you're always looking for exciting new ways to improve the look and feel of your Lake of the Ozarks' home . The Gattermeir Davidson Team is here to help with these fun and easy home decorating ideas ! 1. Go Green. Never underestimate the power of a houseplant to brighten up a room! A few potted plants or small trees can go a long way towards adding life and interest to your empty corner. 2. Mix It Up. There's no rule that says all of the seats at your dining room table need to match! Add interest to any kitchen or dining room by replacing two or three chairs with a long bench. 3. Think Outside The Box. When it comes to home decor, the more unique and original the idea, the better! Did you know that... Repainted plates can make intriguing wall decorations? You can use old curtains to reuph...